Cessation of the activities of the SoCoeur Montréal League
August 2014
Press release
League SoCoeur Montreal through its founding president, Grégory Chevillard, announced that it ceased operations as of August 15, 2014.
Born in spring 2007, the SoCœur Montréal league is a non-profit association whose mandate was to promote physical exercice, access to sport for a low cost and support cancer research. SoCoeur Montréal offered to Montrealers to play soccer in a friendly, co-ed and recreational league. The league was unique and an undoubted success.
The summer 2014 season was again successful with a final donation of $ 3,475 to Cancer Research Society.
In total, $ 20,060 have been donated to the Cancer Research Society (http://www.societederecherchesurlecancer.ca/SoCoeur-2014).
The game is over for the league, but this is a beautiful success that we have achieved together...
Few stats from the SoCoeur Montréal League :
- 21 seasons in a row since March 2007;
- 183 different teams;
- 365 fans of the Facebook page (www.facebook.com/socoeur);
- +900 players;
- +1,200 games;
- +20,060 $ donated to Cancer Research Society;
- +127,000 visits on the website (www.socoeurdemontreal.ca).
As President of the league, I want to acknowledge again everyone for their participation and their support throughout these years. Watch out my interview with soccerauquebec.com (link at the bottom of this article).
SoCoeurement votre,
Grégory CHEVILLARD, Founding president of the SoCoeur Montréal League